June 2023

  01-01-0001  | 

Time-relative filtering

Want to review content updated in the previous week at your team's weekly meeting? Or automatically share strings with a DateTime set to tomorrow in your Slack channel to chase a due date? All this and more is now possible with updated filtering conditions.

You can use time-relative filtering to create views that are updated dynamically based on the selected timeframe. Moreover, you can use the IF action with time-relative conditions to determine which records your Automations should trigger on.


Custom LQA models

Log issues in a way that complies with your localization QA requirements. Create new types of issues, adjust criteria, or set the whole LQA model in a different language to support non-English-speaking testers.

You can create your own LQA model in Localization Settings with an easy-to-use template and assign it to desired projects.


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Access protection with IP whitelisting

Protect your content in Gridly by enabling access from your company network only. Set a list of permitted IP addresses in Company settings under Security. Access protection with IP whitelisting is now available for all Enterprise accounts.


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Find the text you're looking for faster with optimized search performance. Take advantage of wildcard characters in your search terms to find all the different spellings and word forms.

Localization import improvements

  • Import multiple localization files at once with drag-and-drop.
  • Import empty translations.
  • Set dependency status during import, allowing you to accept unchanged translations.

More updates released in June 2023

  • Ability to let translators access other languages in read-only mode.
  • Lambda runtime for Python 3.10.
  • Statistics for Content Delivery Network (CDN) file bandwidth.
  • Get record history [Gridly API].
  • Support for tracking format changes in the Grid history [Enterprise].
  • Support manual import for memoQ integration.