Unity Localization

Unity Localization

Localization plugin for the Unity game development platform

Localize Unity projects at speed with confidence

Connect Unity with a spreadsheet-based content platform

Push text and screenshots to an intuitive spreadsheet interface right from your project in Unity. Then instantly upload translations or even pull new content back into your game.
image Connect Unity with a spreadsheet-based content platform

Gain control across all languages

Track changes in your source and target languages to identify what needs to be localized. Filter dynamically and save time on preparing localization batches.
Gain control across all languages

Go live faster with a streamlined localization workflow

Speed up with built-in Translation Memory and Machine Translation services. Retrieve updates at runtime and push changes to your game without having to rebuild your project.
Go live faster with a streamlined localization workflow
  • Paula Mozdrzewska
    "It’s crucial that I’m able to manage text quality and maintain control over the whole publishing process. Gridly gives us a convenient way to work with in-game texts — something our game engine was missing. It’s easy to use, and the bonus is that it also looks great."
  • Lisa Sidorova
    "I can't recommend Gridly enough! We moved all our projects there recently and we're very content. Its simplicity, great integration with gaming engines, and continuous improvements have transformed our localization workflow. A must-have tool for any team."

Building a localization workflow for Unity

Get up and running in minutes

Download the plugin for free and set up your connection in seconds.
Add new content to the string editor in Unity or the other way around.
Sign up for Gridly
Check out how to get started with Gridly
Download the plugin
See a detailed guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I download the plugin?
You can download the plugin from this GitHub repository.
How much does the plugin cost?
The plugin is free! All you need is a free or premium Gridly account.
How can I install and configure the plugin?
See our detailed setup guide for step-by-step instructions and other important information.
Does the plugin only support text, or images as well?
The plugin also enables the transfer of screenshots for your game, they can be made available in Gridly right next to the corresponding string.

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