5 efficiency-boosting templates for managing multilingual content

When it comes to managing multilingual content, few things drain more time than administrative tasks — for example, setting up the workspaces for the rest of the team to use. Templates let everyone hit the ground running with zero prep required. Read on to discover five time-saving templates primed to supercharge your workflow
 02-02-2023        Ivan Belcic, Vaclav Kamenicek
5 efficiency-boosting templates for managing multilingual content

What are the benefits of managing content with templates?

  • Start projects faster: If you’re getting hung up on how to organize new projects, let a template handle that for you. You’ll save time and free yourself up for more important tasks while the rest of your team jumps right in.
  • Learn new practices: Templates optimize workflows across organizations, and a lot of research goes into the way they’re built. You might just discover your new favorite method of project management from the next template you try.
  • Onboard new tools: Templates flatten out the learning curve when introducing an organization to a new platform. A template is a color-by-numbers way of using a new tool that enables your team to perform at their best without feeling overwhelmed.

Here’s a look at five impactful templates ready to streamline your workflows and get results quicker.

1. String translation template

Standardize your translation workflows with a string translation template. Every localization project involves translating lines of text, or strings, from a source language to one or more target languages. When everyone knows what to expect each time a new localization task begins, you’ll see your team’s productivity skyrocket.

Gridly’s easy-to-follow localization template displays the string ID, source language content, and localized content in each target language. Check out this example showcasing a game or app localization project from English into the FIGS languages: French, Italian, German, and Spanish.

Gridly tracks localization statuses and changes between columns via dependencies: one-way relationships between source and target content. When source content is edited or added, the target content is automatically marked for updating. Gridly’s string translation template comes with dependencies already in place, making status tracking a breeze.

2. Machine translation template

Need to batch-translate a bunch of content ASAP? Machine translation might just be the answer you’re looking for. And it’s a lot more versatile than you might think.

Machine translation is great for pre-translating content for a human editor to polish in a practice known as machine translation post-editing (MTPE). It’s also an invaluable testing tool during the localization process — auto-translate and push text strings into your project to detect bugs or errors while your translation team works on the final content.

Add your content to the template, then choose Google or Amazon AWS for instant translations. Gridly auto-generates machine translations on the fly whenever you add or update content. Separate columns for machine and human translations ensure you and your team won’t get confused about which content came from where.

3. Pivot localization template

Pivot localization, or multi-step localization, is the process of translating from a source language to a target language, then using that language as the new source language for future rounds of localization. Since it’s much easier to find translators working between English and another language, pivot localization is popular when the original source language isn’t English.

Pivot localization workflows are more complex than normal, with an additional round of editing after the initial translation— but a template streamlines things significantly. Gridly automatically tracks changes throughout the entire process with built-in dependencies that mark target language content for updates whenever the source content changes.

If you modify your original source language content, Gridly will mark the pivot content as needing updates. And when that’s taken care of, Gridly does the same with your target languages. The chain of dependencies in this template lets you manage complex multi-step localization workflows with ease.

4. Text-to-speech template

Lifelike voice-overs in seconds: it’s possible with AI-driven text-to-speech. Using Amazon’s Neural Speech service, you can instantly hear any line of text in a wide range of convincing voices, languages, and accents. And with Gridly’s text-to-speech template, you’ll get all that without leaving your workspace.

Preview your voice-overs and dialogue immediately to check timing and validate audio files before committing to a professional recording session. Gridly’s text-to-speech template automatically generates audio files for all strings in the Grid — and it’ll update those audio files whenever the source strings change.

5. Sentiment analysis template

Current and potential users alike are constantly telling you what they think. Leverage multilingual sentiment analysis to learn what people around the world are saying about your brand and analyze their feedback. From customer support chats and surveys to social media comments and forum threads, the internet is overflowing with usable user-generated data.

Using Amazon Comprehend, a natural language processing (NLP) service, Gridly’s sentiment analysis template instantly scans user comments to determine whether they contain positive, negative, or mixed feelings. Combine this with machine translation — also available in the template — to instantly translate and analyze content in any language.

Simplify localization workflows with templates

Gridly’s templates are the perfect way to streamline your multilingual content management process. And the best part about them is that they’re fully customizable. After signing up, just open one of the templates in Gridly, plug in your content, and tweak it until it works just right for you and your team.

If you’ve got a favorite Grid of your own that you’ve already built, save it as a template to reuse across future projects. Your team can pattern new Grids on your custom-built template when creating their own or modify them as needed, just like any of the stock templates. Sign up for Gridly today and streamline your localization pipeline with free, customizable templates.

>> Discover more about using templates in Gridly

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